1.Adds support for copying MEGAMOS 13 chips;
2.Adds online activation which means TM100 programmer activation can be finished automatically when there is network;
3.Adds Online authorization for the programmer;
4.Reads VW Magotan security bytes;
5.Decodes Volvo 93C86 IMMO data online;
6.Corrects error when copying 8C chips;
7.Fixes all the issues when programming ID13 chips;
8.Improves key creating efficiency for VW and Golf as it is able to program new keys by using IMMO 93C56.
Note: After your TM100 programmer is updated to the latest version, when you connect the tool to a laptop or computer, the tool will prompt firmware upgrade message. Please follow the message and do not disconnect the device while updating its firmware.
How to copy ID13 chip with TM100 transponder key programmer:
Select MEGAMOS 13 in chip identification, put the original key in the coil, let TM100 read key data, put T5 chip in it, click write and you will get a new ID13 chip.
How to get TM100 transponder key programmer online authorization:
Before you start, make sure the PC network is available. Select “Tool” in the main menu, choose “Install new module” and the authorization will be granted automatically.